Sell the business! Sell the house! Become a gypsy, one of the road! Keep that beard, shave no more! There’s more to see from East to West, blacktop far ahead, much more left behind. The journey has many turns, go where the mind yearns. The miles add up as time’s hands turn, fuel is burned like the days pass. Continue the ride to the end, life is short don’t let it pass! At the end, we park the bike, the engine cools, then we say get on…let’s do it again!

Thank you for sharing your trip. I have enjoyed the imagery. It has provided me many thoughts of being on some of the mountain roads we have ridden in the past. I’m ready for a motorcycle road trip.

I’m sure you have mixed feelings about this trip ending. Sometimes it’s good to get home, but then you think I sure would like to be on the road again. It’s back to reality as they say.

Man, I just need to win the lottery! Then, I become a full-time road gypsy.

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Perfect timing for the fall colors.

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